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•    Rinat Gimadiev, Mohamed Abdulkadir Hassan-Kadle, Pavel Ogurtsov, Vladimir Muhin, Tatiana Davydova, Natalya Borisenko, Vladimir Muravsky, Arslan Niiazov. Clinical significance of serum albumin functional parameters for diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Abstract P07-05 // ABSTRACT BOOK / LIVER CANCER SUMMIT 2020, 06-08 February, Prague, Czech Republic . P. 203-204.


•    Parfenov A.L., Petrova M.V., Kiryachkov Yu.Yu., Zakharchenko V.E. Prognostic informativeness of functional activity and serum albumin concentration in patients in chronic critical illness with different disease outcomes. MEDICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL PULSE, 2020, v. 22, No 11, p. 13-23.


• Sharafutdinova D.R., Sukhova Yu.V., Ionov OV, Balashova E.N., Kirtbaya A.R., Ivanets T.Yu. The use of the ATA test for early diagnosis of congenital pneumonia in late premature infants (Russian) // Materials of the XIX All-Russian Scientific and Educational Forum "Mother and Child - 2018". 2018. P. 126-127.


• G.N. Karimova, D.V. Nasonova, T.Yu. Ivanets, R.G. Shmakov. The role of albumin detoxification activity in predicting postpartum infectious and inflammatory complications / Outpatient practice: diagnosis, treatment, prevention: materials of the XXII All-Russian International Congress. Moscow, 2016. P. 65-66.


•    Davydova T.V., Matveyeva I.I., Pogosyan N.R., Borisenko N.N., Kornyushenko U.A. Significance of functional characteristics of blood serum albumin in laboratory diagnostics of ovarian carcinoma and predicting post-surgical complications. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY, 2017, No 6, p. 27-29.


• D. M. Nasonova, T. Yu. Ivanets. Deterioration of the transport function of albumin in preeclampsia (rus.) // Handbook of the head of the clinical diagnostic laboratory. 2015. No. 6. P. 35-40.


•    U. Murauski, A. Kalachuk, T. Ivanets. Detoxifying activity of serum albumin demonstrated diagnostic utility in patients with kidney transplant dysfunction and pregnant women with preeclampcia (англ.) // Clinical chemistry. 2015. No. 10.  P. S4.


•    T. Davydova, I. Matveeva, A. Gritsai, N. Pogosyan, L. Mamedova, V. Kuznetsov. Clinical and diagnostic value of the functional and conformational properties of serum albumin in patients with ovarian cancer (а pilot study). Women Reproductive System Tumors, 2014, 2, p.59-61 (in Russian).

•    Kalachik A., Ugolev I., Zabello T., Sadousky D., Oganova E., Murauski U. Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy Evaluation of the Serum Albumin Function Quality in Kidney Transplant Recipients. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Series of Medical Sciences, 2014, Volume 4, p. 72-77 (in Russian).

•    A. Kalachyk, I. Ugolev, T. Zabello, E. Oganova, V. Muravsky. Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy of Serum Albumin is a Novel Test for Diagnosis of the Kidney Transplant Acute Rejection. Clin Chem Lab Med 2014; 52, Special Suppl, pp S1 – S1760, June 2014, P. 1068.

•    P. Vorobiev, L. Bezmelnitsyna, L. Krasnova, M. Holownia, I. Matveeva, T. Davydova, I. Nekhaev, A. Sytov, M. Nersesyan. Clinical and economical analusis of efficiency of ATA-test for early diagnosis of postoperative purulent-septic complications.. Health care standardization problems, 2014, Volume 3-4, pp. 28-36 (in Russian).

•    Vorobiev P., Bezmelnitsyna L., Krasnova L., Muravsky V., Davidova T., Sytov A. Economical Justification of the Innovation Method of Laboratory Diagnostic of the Structural and Functional Changes of Serum Albumin in Septic Complications (Ata-Test). Value in Health, 2013, Volume 16, Issue 7, Page A364.

•    V. Sidorenko, V. Muravsky, E. Shimanovich, L. Zenko. Deterioration of serum albumin transport function in pregnant women with gestosis. Medical Journal (BSMU, Belarus), 2013, No 1, 149-150 (in Russian)

•    Davidova T., Matveeva I., Citov A., Nekhaev I., Sviridova S., Zubrikhina G., Jujginova O., Muravsky V., Gurachevskaya T. Diagnostics and monitoring of a development of purulo-septic complications in early postsurgical period in cancer patients using EPR method. International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. 2011, No 5, 94-95 (in Russian).

•    Rajiv Jalan, Kerstin Schnurr, Rajeshwar P Mookerjee, Sambit Sen, Lisa Cheshire, Stephen Hodges, Vladimir Muravsky, Roger Williams, Gert Matthes, Nathan A Davies. Alterations in the functional capacity of albumin in patients with decompensated cirrhosis is associated with increased mortalityHepatology. 2009 Aug; 50(2); 555-64.

•    Vladimir Muravsky, Tatjana Gurachevskaya, Stephen Berezenko, Kerstin Schnurr, Andrey Gurachevsky. Fatty acid binding sites of human and bovine albumins: Differences observed by spin probe ESRSpectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 74 (2009).

•    Andrey Gurachevsky, Steven C. Kazmierczak, Achim Jörres and Vladimir Muravsky. Application of Spin Label EPR in the diagnosis and prognosis of cancer and sepsisClin Chem Lab Med 2008; 46(9); 1203-1210

•    V.Muravsky, A.Gurachevsky, G.Matthes. Disease specific albumin patterns defined by electron spin resonance. Tumor Biol.28 (suppl. 1), 19 (2007). ISSN 1010-4283; 1423-0380

•    Gurachevsky A, Muravskaya E, Gurachevskaya T, Smirnova L, Muravsky V. Cancer-Associated Alteration in Fatty Acid Binding to Albumin Studied by Spin-Label Electron Spin ResonanceCancer Invest. 2007. 25:378-383. ISSN: 0735-7907

•    A.Gurachevsky, E.Shimanovitch, T.Gurachevskaya, V.Muravsky. Intra-albumin migration of bound fatty acid probed by spin label ESR. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Sep 7; 360(4):852-856

•    Steven C. Kazmierczak, Andrey Gurachevsky, Gert Matthes, and Vladimir Muravsky. Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy of Serum Albumin: A Novel New Test for Cancer Diagnosis and MonitoringClinical Chemistry 52:11, 2129–2134 (2006)

•    P.Seidel, A.Gurachevsky, V.Muravsky, K.Schnurr, G.Seibt, G.Matthes. Recognition of malignant processes with neural nets from ESR spectra of serum albuminZ. Med. Phys. 15 (2005) 265–272

•    K. Schnurr, V. Muravsky, G. Seibt, G. Matthes. The analysis of functional characteristics of serum albumin – a novel possibility of early cancer diagnosis. In the book “Methods, possibilities and perspectives of pre-symptomatic tumor diagnostics”, Pabst Science Publischers, 2005, p. 225-234. ISBN 1-59326-077-6 (USA)

•    Muravskaya E., Lapko A., Muravskii V.. Modification of transport function of plasma albumin during atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2003 May; 135(5):433-5 (in Russian)

•    G.Matthes, G.Seibt, V.Muravsky, G.Hersmann, G.Dornheim. Albumin transport analysis of different collected and processed plasma products, by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Transfus Apheresis Science, 2002, 27, p. 129-135

•    E.Melnichenko, A.Kuschner, A.Milutin, A.Maschevsky, V.Muravsky. Evaluation by the temporary teeth enamel of the ionizing radiation doses adsorbed by the children population of Republic of Belarus. Stomatologiia (Moskow) 2002, 4, p. 54-56 (in Russian)

•    A.Maschevsky, V.Prokchorova, V.Muravsky, S.Linev, I.Ugolev. Technology of the tooth enamel ESR-dosimetry for the individual adsorbed dose estimation. Ukrainian Radiological Journal, 1999, № 1, p. 49-50 (in Ukrainian)

•    V.Prokchorova, A.Maschevsky, T.Zirus, S.Lappo, L.Paschko, R.Smoliakova, L.Derjavez, N.Jurevich, V.Muravsky. The use of laboratory testing methods for breast cancer diagnostics. In the book "Actual problems of oncology and clinical radiology". Research Institute of oncology and clinical radiology, Minsk, 1998, p. 77-81 (in Russian)

•    R.Smoliakova, A.Maschevsky, V.Prokchorova, T.Zirus, L.Paschko, A.Milutin, V.Muravsky. Investigation of structural and functional status of albumin in cancer patients by means of ESR-spectroscopy method. Advances of medical science in Belarus, 1997, 2, p. 19-20 (in Russian)

•    A.Maschevsky, V.Muravsky, E.Korotkevich, S.Linev, Y.Darvin, I.Ugolev, E.Javrid, V.Prokchorova, J.Zmuschko. Methodical and metrological aspects of gamma-irradiation adsorbed dose measuring by tooth enamel. Medical physics, 1996, № 3, p. 46-50 (in Russian)

•    V.Prokchorova, A.Maschevsky, V.Muravsky, A.Milutin, T.Zirus, S.Linev, R.Smoliakova, L.Paschko. Diagnostic potential of ESR-spectrometric determination of conformational-dynamical characteristics of albumin for breast cancer. In the book “Actual problems of oncology and clinical radiology”. Research Institute of oncology and clinical radiology, Minsk, 1996, p. 47-55 (in Russian)

•    V.Muravsky A.Maschevsky, N.Krisenko, E.Javrid, S.Linev, I.Ugolev, Y.Darvin, V.Prokchorova. Parameters of the ESR spectrum spin model of tooth enamel and the use of it in ESR-dosimetry. Ukrainian Radiological Journal. 1995, № 4, p. 353-357 (in Ukraine)

•    S.Linev, Y.Darvin, A.Maschevsky, V.Muravsky. Estimation of gamma-radiation absorbed doses by tooth enamel using spin model of ESR spectrum. Medical physics, 1995, №2, p. 14. (in Russian)

•    E.Javrid, A.Maschevsky, V.Muravsky, V.Prokchorova, E.Korotkevich, A.Milutin. A comparative study of conformation properties of human serum albumin in lung cancer by spin probe technique. Annals of Oncology, 1994, vol.5 (suppl.8), p. 9

•    A.Maschevsky, V.Muravsky, V.Prokchorova, A.Milutin. Comparative investigation of long chain fatty acid binding sites of normal serum albumin with the one from lung cancer patients carried out by the spin probe method. In the book “Blood serum albumin in clinical medicine”. Serie “Fluorescence methods of investigation and clinical diagnostics”, Edited by J.Grizunov and E.Dobretsov, Moskow, “IRUS”, 1994, p. 176-181 (in Russian)

•    A.Maschevsky, V.Muravsky, A.Milutin, E.Javrid, E.Korotkevich, V.Prokchorova, T.Zirus, S.Linev. Dynamics of ESR spectra of the spin labeled blood serum under neoplastic process. Ukrainian Radiological Journal. 1994, № 4, p. 268-270 (in Ukraine)

•    A.Maschevsky, V.Muravsky. The algorithms of bio-molecules parameters estimation for the development of clinical diagnostics procedures on the base of spin probe ESR method. In the book “Actual problems of oncology and clinical radiology”, Research Institute of Oncology and Clinical Radiology, Belarus Ministry of Health, Minsk, 1993. P. 31-33 (in Russian)

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